Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Case 1 - My Group

Nak beli kamera DSLR? Di sini kumpulan kami akan memberikan sedikit panduan membeli kamera DSLR kepada Siti Noor.
1.    BAJET

Bajet merupakan perkara yang paling penting semasa membuat penilaian untuk membeli kamera DSLR. Tengok dulu bajet ada berapa ribu. Kalau boleh jangan membeli kamera ikut limit bajet. Contohnye kalau bajet ada RM4000 janganlah membeli kamera yang harganya RM4000 kecuali anda seorang pengumpul koleksi kamera. Kalau boleh membeli kamera yang harga RM3000 lebih. Duit yang lebih boleh digunakan untuk membeli lens yang affordable tapi berkualiti. Sebagi contoh Nikon belilah lens Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D harga RM420, yang paling murah untuk professional spec.dan kalau Canon pula belilah lens 50mm f/1.8 harga dalam RM 380.00. Lens-lens ini murah sebab production senang, bukannye murah sebab tiada kualiti. Lens ini kalau nak produce straight forward sahaja tak perlu guna calculation yang pelik-pelik.

2.    TUJUAN

Subjek ni sangat subjektif. Cuba tanya diri kita apa tujuan kita beli DSLR ini? Ada orang untuk saja-saja, ikut kawan, sebab ramai orang dah pakai, jadi kita kene pakai jugak. Untuk majlis kahwin? Untuk hobi? Sebab minat fotografi? Sebab sekarang lebih berpatutan beli entry level DSLR berbanding prosumer compact camera? Sebab nak berlagak atau fotografi? Sebab baru nak belajar? Biasanya kalau untuk wedding (mostly wedding la), sometimes sport as second camera, landscape, hobi dan remaja yang berkemampuan akan guna yang mid level, iaitu yang harga kamera antara RM4000 – RM7000, sebab yang ni reliable, speed laju, performance lebih elok, lebih tahan lasak, compatible dengan banyak aksesori dan bermacam lagi. Kamera dalam siri ni contohnya ialah Nikon D90, D200, D300, D700 n Canon EOS 40D, EOS 50D, dan kadang-kala EOS 5D n EOS 5D Mark II.

Untuk yang kurang berkemampuan, yang baru belajar, yang nak replace compact camera akan guna DSLR yang entry level macam Nikon D40, D60, D5000 n Canon EOS 1000D, EOS 400D, EOS 450D, EOS 500D, biasanya kamera ni harga antara RM1600 ke RM3500.

Kalau untuk cover sport, journalist, wartawan, orang yang ada studio high dan berkemampuan  akan guna kamera yang top level contohnye cam Nikon D2x, D3, D3x n Canon EOS 1D, EOS 1Ds Mark II n Mark III, EOS 1D Mark D Mark II n Mark III n sometimes EOS 5D Mark II, kamera-kamera kategori ni harga antara RM9000 – RM29999 (body only, tidak termasuk lens). Kamera ni memang advance dan banyak kelebihan berbanding kamera lain dalam kategori DSLR.

Antara kelebihan- kelebihan yang ada ialah high performance ISO, high speed, durability (weather proof- stakat ambik gambar dalam hujan, salji , body magnesium alloy n sealed dengan gasket, function yang sangat banyak, compatible dengan sume aksesori, support fuction yang studio perlukan cam flash sync 230v port, no crop factor, bateri tahan sangat lama,viewfinder yang cover 100% dan sangat terang, bunyi shutter yang slow, grip yang kemas dan confortable dan macam-macam lagi. Jadi dalam case ini Siti Noor hendak membeli untuk course yang akan di ambil iaitu photography. Saya rasa Siti Noor beli yang sedang aja iaitu untuk entry level atau mid level sahaja.


 Sekarang ni dalam tahun 2011 semua kamera baru ada sekurang-krangnya 12MP dan ke atas. Sebenarnya saiz piksel tidak pentingpun sebab beza saiz adalah terlalu sedikit. Contohnya gambar 6MP (3008 x 2000) dan 8MP (3264 x 2448) bezanya bukan ketarapun iaitu perbezaan sebanyak 256 horizontal pixel n 448 vertical pixel. Jadi kalau didarabkan 256 dan 448 dapatlah 0.11468 Megapixel. Sebenarnye tidak ada bezapun tapi yang kita nampak besar sebab semua itu adalah luas gambar yang sudah didarabkan,

Satu lagi untuk DSLR bawah RM8000 iaitu kamera yang tidak guna frame sensor yang penuh dimana saiz sensor untuk  kamera di bawah price range ni adalah lebih kecik, kamera yang ada bilangan megapixel yang rendah adalah lebih baik dari segi ISO n ketajaman gambar pada aperture kecik. Cuba bayangkan sensor terdiri dari microlens yang kecil-kecil iaitu setiap satu bersamaan dengan 1 pixel. Tugas microlens ini untuk collect cahaya untuk di convert kepadanan arus elektrik untuk diporses jadi gambar. So cuba imagine kalau dalam saiz sensor yang sama iaitu ukuran 22.8mm x 15.7mm apa perbezaan antara yang ada 6MP n 8MP? Bezanya ialah saiz microlens dalam sensor 8MP lebih kecil berbanding sensor 6MP sebab untuk meletakkan bilangan microlens yang lebih banyak dalam sensor yang berkeluasan sama kenalah kecilkan microlens, baru boleh muat dengan banyak. Tapi keburukkannya adalah apabila microlens kecll, bilangan cahaya yang dicollect adalah sedikit,


1.    Colour memang super vivid, memang full of life la, sangat sesuai untuk landscape.
2.    Available kat sume kedai gambar yang ada jual kamera DSLR.
3.    Ramai orang guna Canon terutama untuk landscape, student pun ramai guna Canon sebab senang nak share idea dan aksesori. Penggunaan yang ramai di kalangan pelajar.
4.    Terkenal dengan white body lens iaitu lens telefoto atau zoom telefoto yang berjalur merah di barrel depan (sebenarnye tak ada mane pun, kualiti same je dengan lens yang setara dalam siri Nikon, Cuma sebab ramai orang guna so orang akan ingat lens Canon lebih baik padahal same je.)
5.    Banyak megazine fotografi yang guna gambar sample dari kamera Canon.
6.    Lens Canon murah sedikit dari Nikon.
7.    Canon lebih cepat keluarkan kamera model baru berbanding Nikon.
Nikon :
1.    Optik lens memang boleh dikata tip top kecuali beberapa jenis lens, kalau Canon peratus yang kurang sharp banyak jugak.
2.    Lens fokus lambat sedikit untuk siri murah tetapi lebih tepat dari Canon walaupun yang Canon laju, sebab Canon kadang kala terbabas.
3.    Kamera dan lens feel more tough dan solid walaupun yang siri murah, sbb bile banding dengan Canon rase macam plastik murah bile kamera yang siri murah.
4.    ISO performance memang tinggi berbanding Canon, gambar nampak tajam lagi berbanding Canon sebab Canon apply banyak noise reduction utk kurangkan noise dalam gambar.
5.    Ramai wartawan dan sport photographer prefer high end Nikon camera berbanding high end Canon sebab ergonomik feature dari kamera Nikon, grip sume sudah design dengan tepat untuk elak keletihan bila handling kamera dalam masa yang lama.
6.    Metering dan white balance super accurate : Ini yang paling suka pasal Nikon sebab gambar memang properly exposed dan white balance memang tepat, korang boleh leave white balance setting ke Auto all the time, boleh dipercayai.
7.    Flash exposure yang super tepat.disebabkan Nikon menggunakan teknologi Matrix metering dan iTTL so flash diemit berdasarkan jarak subjek dan nisbah kecerahan background dan subjek, bukan macam teknologi lama, just berdasarkan kecerahan subjek. Kalau Canon sekarang pun dah maju cuma tidak tepat macam Nikon lagi.
Siri Kamera – Canon & Nikon?
Canon :
1. Top Series : Siri 1D, 1Ds, 5D (nak kenal siri ni kene tgk no siri yang ada satu digit sahaja. Yang ada “s” tu adalah tahap paling tinggi iaitu megapixel paling tinggi. Lepas tu kalau ada tulis tanda “Mark x” tu adalah menandakan dalam kamera generation ke berapa dalam sesuatu siri digit tu. Contohnya EOS 1Ds Mark III, tu menandakan generasi ke-3 utk siri EOS 1Ds).
2. Mid Series : Siri 10D, 20D, 30D, 40D, 50D (siri ni dikenali dengan nombor 2 digit)
3. Entry Level Series : 350D, 400D, 500D, 1000D (siri ni dikenali dengan nombor 3 & 4  digit)
4. Huruf D kat hujung tu menandakan tu adalah Digital, kalau xde maksudnye kamera filem..

Nikon :
1. Top Series : Siri D1, D2, D2x, D2H, D3, D3x, (siri ni dikenali dengan nombor 1 digit, huruf “x” “H” tu melambangkan high speed, biasanya apply utk kamera model sebelum ni, skarang dah xde siri H dah sbb sume laju. )
2. Mid Series : Siri D100, D200, D300, D700 (siri ni dikenali dengan nombor 3 digit, setakat ni just D700 ada sensor full frame)
3. Entry Level Series : Siri D40, D40x, D50, D69, D70, D70s, D80, D90 (siri ni dikenali dengan nombor 2 digit. “x” bermaksud version yang sama dengan siri yang sama cuma berbeza dari segi saiz gambar yang lebih besar.)

Kenapa DSLR
Sebab setiap DSLR dari sebarang brand ada banyak aksesori-aksesori tambahan macam lens, flash, lens hood, battery pack, sync cord, remote control dan sebagainya. Tetapi kamera dari brand yang berlainan tidak boleh guna aksesori yang berlainan. So amat penting membuat penilaian sebelum membeli untuk kali pertama. Sebab bila sudah membeli kamera dari brand A, memang semua aksesori kena beli yang brand A, tidak boleh pakai dari brand lain seperti brand B. Pendek kata bila dah beli produk dari brand A kita kena stick to that brand for many years, tak boleh tukar-tukar sebab akan berlaku pembaziran.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Case Study 1 :Digital Camera Buying Tips: Point and Shoot vs. DSLR

Digital Camera Buying Tips: Point and Shoot vs. DSLR

Find out some of the key differences between both DSLR and Point and Shoot cameras.
Be happy if you’re gearing up to buy a new digital camera – as of press time, there are over 300-plus different options from which to choose! But within the huge crop of available models you’ll find units in all shapes, sizes and colors, with prices ranging anywhere from $79 on up to a whopping $7,999. Need help narrowing down the selection? Not to worry, as here, we’ll help you make a critical first decision—whether to buy a point-and-shoot digital camera or a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) unit instead. The good news: Everything falls more easily into place once this key question is answered.
First though, a quick definition and some broad strokes you’ll need to be aware of before diving into the world of digital photography. To make a long story short, digital single lens reflex cameras let you see your subject directly through the lens using a mirror/viewfinder assembly. All DSLRs feature interchangeable lenses, so you can change the focal length to your preference, rather than being stuck with the limited lens common to a point-and-shoot. Since typical point-and-shoot digicams do not feature a mirror assembly, as a general rule these devices are much smaller, easier to carry in your pocket and are much more affordable. Now let’s dig a little deeper into the pros and cons of the two types of cameras.
The popularity of digital single lens reflex cameras remains strong, even in a down economy. Why is this important? Simply this–price is the one of the key differences between an aim-and-forget camera and a DSLR. The least expensive DSLR, such as a Sony alpha A230, will run you $499, while point-and-shoot alternatives sell for a fraction of the cost. According to industry analysts, the vast majority of cameras sold go for less than $200. Making the leap to a DSLR will definitely set you back, but many shoppers obviously believe that the investment is well worth it.
Sony Alpha A230 is a budget option
Sony Alpha A230 is a budget DSLR option
So why would someone spend at least $300 more for a DSLR? Speed is the one of the most critical factors. If you’ve ever used a compact digicam, you know that these devices take time to focus and save images to memory cards. During these delays, you can easily miss a smiling face or a running child. To put things in perspective: Point-and-shoot digital cameras generally capture 1 frame per second, while most DSLRs take 3 frames per second or more, making them better suited for fast action shots or sporting events. The difference between snagging the perfect picture and missing it entirely is one of the biggest factors weighing heavily in DSLR cameras’ favor.
Nikon D3 is one of the fastest DSLR available
Nikon D3 is one of the fastest DSLRs available
Picture Quality
If you simply read camera spec sheets, you’ll see that point-and-shoots and DSLRs have similar megapixel counts (10MP, 12MP and so on). However, this is like saying that a Honda Civic is the same as a 911 Porsche – while both may be cars with four wheels, overall performance and quality between the two is very different. The same holds true with point-and-shoot digital cameras vs. DSLRs.
The Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-T90 and the Nikon D5000 both offer 12 megapixels
The Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-T90 and the Nikon D5000 both offer 12 megapixels
Compact cameras use much smaller imaging devices. By cramming so many megapixels on a small chip, digital noise is a constant problem. In our reviews, we always recommend keeping the ISO (sensitivity) of a digicam at 400 or less. DSLRs have much larger APS-C sized imagers, meaning you’ll encounter less noise in low light situations and better picture quality overall. Using one, you can shoot in more dimly lit conditions without a flash with little image degradation. In addition, if huge prints are in your future—or extensive cropping—DSLRs should be in your sights.
Lens Flexibility
Point-and-shoot cameras offer a wide variety of zoom lenses from the basic 3x up to 26x. If you’re thinking compact, you have many options, but we recommend starting out with a basic wide-angle view (28mm or so) then multiplying that to your heart’s content. A 24x model like the Nikon Coolpix P90 even offers 28-624mm options so you can take nice group shots and zoom into subjects you can barely recognize. There are many small cameras with wide focal ranges that are easily toted around—a huge plus for point-and-shoots.
 Sony offers a wide variety of Alpha Lenses
Sony offers a wide variety of Alpha Lenses
Contrastingly, DSLRs are far from compact and typically are supplied with a 3x kit lens. From there you can go crazy, spending a small fortune on interchangeable lenses. Canon and Nikon, the two biggest DSLR sellers by far, each have over 65 to choose from. And these lenses use finer glass than point-and-shoots, adding to overall quality advantage of DSLRs. The downside is that they are much heavier, bulkier and require at least a backpack to lug everything around. Still, for the professional or prosumer, DSLR is the natural fit.
Photographic Options
Most point-and-shoot digital cameras offer limited manual options for adjusting aperture (f/stops) and shutter speeds. Granted, the vast majority of amateur paparazzi out there couldn’t care less about this small range of potential adjustments, and will be perfectly happy firing away in Auto mode. But while DSLRs have Auto settings too, they also let you unleash your inner Annie Leibovitz by adjusting depth of field, blurring subjects and going wherever the creative muse takes you. If you’re looking to get more creative with photos, a DSLR is the right choice.
Settings available on a Canon EOS Rebel T1i
Settings available on a Canon EOS Rebel T1i
Bottom Line
If your budget is limited ($300 or less) the choice is moot: You have to buy a point-and-shoot digital camera. But it’s hardly the end of the world, since you can search through our reviews, where we’ve highlighted dozens of speedy models of high caliber. What’s more, there are many selections to choose from, and the vast majority of camera owners out there are more than happy with the range of available choices.
Where things get interesting, though, are with “bridge” cameras, which cost close to entry-level DSLRs yet have many manual options, good built-in lenses and fine overall image quality. Cameras in this class include the Canon PowerShot G10, Panasonic Lumix LX3 and our new recent favorite: The Sony Cyber-shot HX1 with 10 frames-per-second shooting capabilities. Still, at around $400-$500, these options are far from cheap.
The Canon PowerShot G10 and Panasonic Lumix LX3 are good bridge choices
The Canon PowerShot G10 and Panasonic Lumix LX3 are good bridge choices
Should you decide even faster response and better quality are imperative, or consider yourself a professional or “prosumer” level user, however, don’t hesitate to purchase a DSLR instead. Once you become familiar with all the capabilities these cameras offer, even models which go for $1,000 will seem like a bargain. Especially, that is, when you start shopping for lenses, flashes and all the cool toys photographers can’t live without.

Case Study 1 : How to Buy a DSLR camera

How to Buy a DSLR camera

Buy a DSLR camera

Purchasing your first DSLR, camera (digital single-reflex lens camera) can be a big decision. Prices have dropped so that amateur photographers and the serious hobbyist can purchase a digital SLR camera body for a few hundred dollars more than a regular digital camera.

How to choose? Which brand, what lenses, how much? If you are a professional photographer- you already know the name, make and model of the next camera, lens, and filter on your wish list and where it is at the best price. If you are reading this, chances are you buying the DSLR as a gift, or are interested in expanding a hobby.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

  • Money
  • Time
  • Research 
DSLRs need a lens
  1. Make a list of what you want in your DSLR and how much you have to spend. For example- how many mega pixels do you want, is video important to you, are name brands important to you, will you expand later?

    Like any technology, purchasing the most advanced- most mega pixels, video, name brand will often mean the most dollars. However, we are not at that stage yet. For now, just make a list of the things that are important to you.
  2. 2
    Do some reading about DSLRS and the current recommendations available on consumer research sites. CNET is great for technology. Read about current models as well as DSLR product reviews.
  3. 3
    Consider your budget. Write down what you are willing to spend on the DSLR, lens, and accessories in total. It is never a good idea to go over the budget.
  4. 4
    Visit a specialty camera store- not a warehouse or electronic store. You will just be looking, leave your wallet at home. Pick up the cameras you have been considering. Hold the digital SLRs you have been reading about. You may be surprised at how large they seem or how different using a viewfinder (not the LCD screen) feels. Different brands may put controls on the right or left hand side which you may or may not have a preference for. Be kind to the salesperson and let them know you are just looking.
  5. 5
    DSLRs need a lens
    Choose a camera. You should have an idea about a brand and camera body that you would like. Now it is time to shop for the correct price and camera body/lens package. If you have limited funds, you can always consider a used or refurbished DSLR body and lens. If you think you will expand your hobby later and want to spend your money on a great lens, you may want to get a used body and shop for a better lens. DSLR kits are available online and in stores that combine the body and usually an average to poor quality lens.
  6. 6
    Shop your prices. Once you know what you want, check online retailers, online auctions, warehouse buying clubs, and local photo stores. Some retailers offer kits that come with extra lenses, filters and cases- which may or may not be worth the price. Check it out!
  7. 7
    Buy your camera and enjoy!
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Tips & Warnings

  • When making any purchase online, check the seller and reviews. Any deal that seems to be too good to be true....
  • Check with your credit card company to see if they offer any warranty for electronic purchases.
  • Make sure to include the costs of any accessories you want in your budget- memory cards, extra batteries, tripod etc.
  • Digital photography can be habit forming.